A Community of Compassion: Second Chances Weathered the Storm

Today, our hearts are full.

We've witnessed so much – challenges, generosity, and ultimately, hope. Thanks to God and the incredible support of our community, we've navigated a truly challenging period. We're incredibly thankful to report that, thus far, there have been no fatalities due to hyperthermia! This life-saving result is a testament to what we can achieve together.

A huge shoutout to Project Winter Watch, Jodi Berge of KOCO 5 News, and Kilee Thomas, also of KOCO 5, for shining a light on our efforts. We are community, and we are so grateful for their partnership in sharing our story.

Check out this News9 story highlighting the amazing work of Second Chances during the recent extreme weather! We're proud to be part of this caring community.

The outpouring of support has been overwhelming. Thank you to everyone who sent food and supplies! It truly takes a village, and we are in awe of the village that surrounds and supports us. We couldn't do what we do without you.

As we approach the end of this severe weather, we look forward to a time when we can focus on our core mission of providing second chances, without the added pressure of extreme weather emergencies. We're almost there! We can do it!!

As Ryan would say, "Onward!" God bless!


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